Tag Archives: promotional modelling

ISF2018 Presentation: Information Sharing in the Presence of Promotions in a Supply Chain

Patrick Saoud, Nikolaos Kourentzes and John Boylan, ISF2018, 20th June 2018 Many supply chains experience the Bullwhip effect, defined as the upstream amplification of demand variability. This information distortion results in a misalignment of forecasts, generating expensive business costs. A proposed remedy in the literature is the sharing of Point of Sales information data among… Read More »

Talk on `Advances in promotional modelling and demand forecasting’

On 16/11/2016 I gave a talk at the Stockholm School of Economics on the topic of advances in modelling and demand forecasting. Given the diversity of the audience I avoided going into the details of the mathematical formulations, some of which can be found in the appendix of the presentation. The presentation summarises three different… Read More »

MAPAx available for R & new MAPA package on CRAN

The previous version of the MAPA package implemented only the univariate aspect of the algorithm. Version 2.0.1 implements MAPAx as well, which allows incorporating regressors in your forecasts. In this paper we demonstrated the usefulness of temporal aggregation in the case of forecasting demand in the presence of promotions. In particular, we showed that MAPAx… Read More »

Material for `Forecasting with R: A practical workshop”

Together with Fotios Petropoulos we gave a workshop on producing forecasts with R, at the International Symposium on Forecasting, 2016. You can find the material of the workshop here. The workshop notes assume knowledge of what the various forecasting methods do, which are only briefly explained in the workshop’s slides, and mostly focuses in showing… Read More »