ISF 2016 research presentations

By | October 10, 2016

It has been a while since I got the time to post any updates, but finally got round to it. Last June I attended the International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF) at Santander, which had been very interesting and enjoyable. I had already posted about the presentations I gave. I was involved in a number of presentations spanning different topics that were given by colleagues and PhD students. You can find a complete list these here:

  1. Barrow D. K., Mitrovic A., Holland J., Kourentzes N., Ali M., Developing intelligent tutoring support for teaching business forecasting: the forecasting intelligent tutoring system.
  2. Allen G. P., Fildes R., Kourentzes N., Bias in decadal climate model forecasts.
  3. Kourentzes N., Forecasting with temporal hierarchies.
  4. Kourentzes N., Trapero J. R., Svetunkov I., Measuring forecasting performance: a complex task.
  5. Sagaert Y. R., Aghezzaf E-H., Kourentzes N., Desmet B., Variable selection for long-term forecasting using temporal aggregation.
  6. Schaer O., Kourentzes N., Fildes R., Forecasting demand with internet searches (and social media shares).
  7. Svetunkov I., Kourentzes N., Model parameter estimation with trace forecast likelihood.
  8. Waller D., Boylan J., Kourentzes N., Modelling multiple seasonalities across hierarchical aggregation levels.

With Fotios Petropoulos we also delivered a workshop on forecasting with R.


4 thoughts on “ISF 2016 research presentations

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